Collaboration with Barkhausen Institut Jul 23, 2021

In the scope of a joint innovation project together with the Barkhausen Institut, we will leverage the combination of Genode's component architecture with hardware-software co-design.

The Barkhausen Institut is an independent institute for systems research in Dresden. It follows the mission to bridge the gap between academic research at TU Dresden and industry.

In July, we kicked off a joint innovation project that combines the institute's expertise in the domain of software-defined radio with Genode's unique operating-system technology. In the scope of the project, we will expand Genode's notion of component- based architectures to software-hardware co-design. We believe that the blurring of the lines between hardware, operating-system software, and applications paves the ground for tailored solutions that are unthinkable today. Our initial focus is the enablement of Genode on widely available Xilinx-based FPGA platforms, specifically SDR devices.

The project is funded by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Dammweg 2
  D-01097 Dresden

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Friedrichstr. 26
  D-01067 Dresden


  +49 351 3282613


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