Genode OS Framework version 9.11 released Nov 25, 2009

The new release introduces a Linux virtualization solution, Webkit support, the light-weight IP stack, and support for the ARM architecture.

With the release 9.11 of the Genode OS framework, we start to fully leverage the strong underpinnings of the framework built-up with the previous releases. This enabled us to introduce major new functionality such as a paravirtualized Linux kernel, which allows the execution of off-the-shelf Linux programs isolated from security-sensitive applications, both executed on the same machine. For native Genode applications, we significantly improved the infrastructure by making standard programming interfaces such as socket-based TCP/IP, and popular libraries such as Freetype2 available. The completeness of this infrastructure is best illustrated by our native port of the Qt4/Webkit browser engine to the framework. With regard to driver support, we extended our Linux-device-driver environment, which facilitates the use of unmodified Linux drivers as separate processes on Genode. In particular, the current release complements our USB stack with support for USB storage devices.

These changes and a long list of further improvements are described in full detail in the release notes of version 9.11...

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Dammweg 2
  D-01097 Dresden

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  Genode Labs GmbH
  Friedrichstr. 26
  D-01067 Dresden


  +49 351 3282613


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