 Genode Labs Newsletter - August/September 2009


 1. Genode OS Framework 9.08 released
 2. New Genode Live CD available
 3. New platforms supported by the Genode FPGA graphics project

 1. Genode OS Framework 9.08 released

 In August, we have released the version 9.08 of our operating-system
 framework. This release was focused on optimizations and
 refinements and advances the framework with regard to cross-kernel
 portability. We took the chance to revisit fundamental parts of the
 framework such as synchronization primitives, signals, and timers.

 Furthermore, there are many improvements specific for the different
 base platforms. The OKL4-kernel support as added with the previous
 release motivated code unifications among all four supported kernel
 platforms. The kernel-specific lines of code, which provide complete
 kernel abstractions, have become as little as 1800 (OKL4), 1500
 (Linux), 1600 (L4/Fiasco), and 2000 (L4ka::Pistachio) lines of C++

 With regard to Linux as base platform, we reached our goal to make
 the base framework completely independent from Linux' userland
 infrastructure. The Linux version of Genode is now executed on the
 raw Linux kernel without linking against glibc.

 The introduction of the dynamic linker ported from FreeBSD promises
 a significant reduction of binary sizes and, thereby, will finally
 allay doubts about the resource requirements of using Qt4 on Genode.

 Find out more about all the new features and improvements in the
 release notes of version 9.08:


 2. New Genode Live CD available

 To make our work on the Genode OS Framework more visible outside of
 the core developer community, we have compiled a Live CD that shows
 off our achievements made during the past months. The Live CD presents
 Genode running on three different kernel platforms highlighting
 Genode's unique cross-kernel portability. Furthermore, the Live CD
 presents the native execution of Qt4 applications on top of Genode
 running on a microkernel, and a cool virtualization demo that
 enables you to execute Genode on top of a sandboxed Linux on top
 of Genode running on a microkernel.

 Download our new Live CD 2009-09:


 For those of you who already got their hands on our Live CD, we have
 updated the ISO image, improved the performance and refined the
 presentation of the Qt4 demo. So you might want to give the new
 version a try.

 3. New platforms supported by the Genode FPGA graphics project

 We are happy to announce the result of collaborative efforts of
 Trenz Electronic and Genode Labs to bring our graphics solution
 to Trenz Electronic's range of industrial FPGA modules. By having
 brought these products together, we enable the creation of
 fully fledged graphical user interfaces with extremely compact
 hardware that comes at the PCB size of only 40.5mm x 47.5mm.
 To learn more about running Genode FX on the TE0300 series of
 industrial modules, please refer to our recent announcement:


 Furthermore, we are happy to announce the biggest contribution from
 outside our company to the Genode FPGA project so far. Sébastien
 Bourdeauducq is the author of the FPGA-based Milkymist SoC platform.
 Milkymist is based on the Lattice Mico32 softcore CPU, a custom
 high-performance DDR memory controller, and hardware units for
 texture mapping and vector calculations. The project is geared
 towards building a real-time VJ solution. After meeting us in
 Dresden, he went for porting our Genode FX software stack to his
 platform and considers using our GUI as part of his forthcoming
 project. More information about the exciting Milkymist project
 is available at the official project website:


 The support for both new platforms is already available at the
 mainline subversion repository of Genode FX and, thereby, will
 become a regular part of the Genode FX distribution.

 About the newsletter

 If you have friends or colleagues who might be interested in our
 projects, we would appreciate you to forward this email. If you
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 to the newsletter here:


 In the case of receiving this newsletter unintended, you can
 cancel your subscription at any time by replying to this email
 with the subject set to "unsubscribe".

 Best regards
 Norman Feske
 Genode Labs

 http://www.genode-labs.com/ · http://genode.org/

postal address:

  Genode Labs GmbH
  Dammweg 2
  D-01097 Dresden

visiting address:

  Genode Labs GmbH
  Friedrichstr. 26
  D-01067 Dresden


  +49 351 3282613



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